
Plunger Lubricants

Plunger Lubricants

Plunger lubricants emerge as superheroes for metal casting machines, undertaking two crucial tasks. Firstly, they prevent rapid wear and tear of the plunger tip and sleeve, thereby extending the machine’s lifespan and reducing the frequency of repairs. Secondly, they act as guardians, ensuring that molten metal remains securely contained around the plunger tip, preventing issues and enhancing the machine’s overall performance.

Chem-Trend offers a diverse range of products tailored to uphold the integrity of metal machines and facilitate the production of high-quality metal castings. The noteworthy part is that all these contributions occur with a commitment to environmental kindness.

Our Solution

Chem-Trend’s Plunger Lubricants stand as industry-leading solutions designed to elevate the die casting process, ensuring faster cycle times and extended die life. Specifically formulated as a part of the Chem-Trend® product line, these plunger lubricants encompass a versatile family of water- and oil-based lubricants, as well as pellet and powder formulations. The meticulous design of these lubricants addresses the demanding specifications of die casting operations.

By effectively reducing soldering, porosity, buildup, and other environmental challenges inherent in die casting, Chem-Trend’s Plunger Lubricants play a pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency. Their application results in notable benefits, including a reduction in cycle times and an increase in overall productivity.

Choose Chem-Trend’s Plunger Lubricants to optimize your die casting processes, ensuring precision, longevity, and improved performance that aligns with the rigorous standards of the industry.

Common Problems Solved with this Solution

1) Cold Shut

Cold Shut in metal casting is a surface defect where two streams fail to unite, causing a break in the casting. This problem arises from inadequate cleaning in the cast and/or a cast that has reached the end of its lifecycle. Chem-Trend’s solutions are designed to address Cold Shut issues and prolong the lifespan of your metal casting equipment, providing effective remedies for these challenges.

2) Porosity

Porosity in die casting, marked by small pores, poses challenges to component strength. Chem-Trend addresses gas porosity by minimizing direct contributions through vent-effective die lubricants. These lubricants reduce overspray and film formation, preventing vent blockages over time. For shrinkage porosity, caused by metal density differences, Chem-Trend’s die lubricants manage cooling, reducing “hot spots” and ensuring uniform solidification. In summary, Chem-Trend’s plunger lubricants effectively mitigate porosity issues, enhancing the quality of metal castings.

3) In-Cavity Buildup

In-Cavity Buildup occurs when there’s a buildup of release agents, molded material, or byproducts from chemical reactions within the mold cavity, negatively impacting various aspects of the molding process. Two main causes include an excess of release agent on the mold, often due to poor selection or over-application, and a lack of a proper release barrier, allowing material buildup.

Chem-Trend’s plunger lubricants step in to tackle In-Cavity Buildup issues. If there’s too much release agent causing problems, these lubricants help ensure the right amount is applied, avoiding excess. Additionally, they create a solid release barrier, preventing material buildup and ensuring proper molding conditions. With Chem-Trend’s expertise, these tailored solutions address In-Cavity Buildup problems, saving you from inefficiencies, rework costs, and resource wastage in your operation.

4) Soldering

Soldering in die casting, caused by the reaction of molten alloy with tool steel, can lead to inefficiencies and costly rework. Chem-Trend’s plunger lubricants offer a solution by acting as a protective barrier between molten metal and tool steel, preventing or minimizing soldering issues. Developed with advanced technology, these lubricants perform optimally across temperature ranges and alloys, with proprietary polymers for high temperatures and silicone-free options for cooler die surfaces. Chem-Trend’s tailored solutions help mitigate soldering problems, saving resources and improving die casting efficiency.

5) Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes, characterized by small circular craters in coatings, are often caused by release agents designed to prevent adhesion. If not properly removed during cleaning, these agents can interfere with paint or plating, resulting in the defect. Chem-Trend’s plunger lubricants provide a solution by ensuring the release agents used are easily cleaned by alkaline washes before painting or plating. By improving surface tension and enhancing the selection, quality, and application of release agents, Chem-Trend’s tailored solutions effectively address Fish Eyes issues, mitigating small imperfections in coatings and improving overall quality.

Supported Processes

1) Die Casting
2) High-Pressure
3) Low-Pressure
4) Slush Casting
5) Squeeze Casting

Supported Materials

1) Aluminum
2) Copper
3) Magnesium
4) Other Metals
5) Zinc

Unleash the potential of your die casting operation with Chem-Trend’s Plunger Lubricants. Designed to reduce cycle times and extend die life, our industry-leading solutions promise enhanced operational efficiency. Opt for precision, longevity, and improved performance—contact us to transform your die casting processes.

A brand of Freudenberg.
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