
Wood Composite

Mold Release Agent for Wood Composite

The wood composite sector can be quite intricate, with differences in wood types, materials, processes, and capacities across various places and materials. This is where our commitment to working closely with customers becomes invaluable. Chem-Trend understands the complexities that arise when working with wood-based fiber composites and panel pressing and has developed a comprehensive range of release agents designed to handle the unique challenges encountered in wood panel fiber pressing applications.
Whether you’re running a continuous press system, a day-light press, or any other wood pressing or finishing setup, several factors influence your final product’s quality and your operational efficiency. The majority of our products developed for this field are water-based and have been specifically crafted to thrive in an environment where the pressing surface faces challenges related to chemicals, heat, and mechanical forces.
Chem-Trend has developed release agents that target the core challenges presented by pMDI resin systems. Our chemists have extensively researched the actual causes of sticking and buildup, enabling us to create products that address the root problem. With our release agents, buildup is unable to adhere to the pressing surface, allowing manufacturing plants to run continuously for extended durations. Furthermore, these products deliver a smooth and uniform surface texture for pressed articles, reducing the need for surface sanding when required.
We work with the full gamut of products, including:
  • Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
  • Particleboard
  • Oriented Strandboard (OSB)
  • Door panels

In the wood composite and panel pressing industry, large quantities of products are often manufactured continuously. Chem-Trend has tailored its products to excel in this demanding setting. Our products are user-friendly and exhibit remarkable stability when exposed to both hot and cold processing conditions.

With a global network of research and development facilities, we partner with customers to develop customized solutions that meet precise regulatory requirements, accommodate various raw materials, and suit your specific production facilities.

To begin, request a free consultation today. Our experts are ready to assist you in discovering the optimal release agent solution for your operation, enhancing efficiency along the way.

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Belt Spray – Roll Coater

Continuous wood pressing is a commonly utilized technique, whether you’re utilizing PMDI or UF/Phenolic binders.

When working with PMDI binder, achieving efficient release and production is of utmost importance.

When using UF binders, maintaining clean belts is essential for achieving high-quality boards.

In such situations, it’s critical to correctly wet the belt to ensure that the release agent is applied in the appropriate quantity for optimal surface coverage. Chem-Trend’s close collaboration with major press producers and spray equipment companies ensures:

  • Exceptionally effective release agents for your spraying equipment
  • Reduced downtime by lowering spraying equipment maintenance time
  • Custom solutions based on your process and wood type
  • Optimum spray patterns

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Internal Release Agents

Particle board manufacturing calls for a special approach to achieve consistently outstanding results. Chem-Trend offers a solution that involves the direct inclusion of internal release agents into the PMDI binder, introducing new avenues for productivity and potential.

This provides several advantages:

  • A simplified process, since no release agent needs to be applied on the mat or on the press
  • Zero impact on the board’s properties, allowing for maximum quality
  • A more consistent result

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Mat Sprays & Caul Spray

Mat spray and caul spray solutions demand precise and technically advanced characteristics, including non-diving properties and easy dispensing. Whether you’re working with MDF UF or a daylight process combined with PMDI, the intricacies and unique requirements call for a knowledgeable and experienced partner.

Chem-Trend collaborates with customers to ensure an optimal solution, regardless of whether you’re manufacturing OSD, MDF, or particle board.

Our solutions give you:

  • Exceptional sprayability
  • Versatility for different wood types
  • Adaptability to work with varying press capacities and dimensions
  • Dilution equipment and monitoring for consistency and confidence

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Platten Coating

Effective manufacturing with a daylight press hinges on the quality of the process.

Chem-Trend offers semi-permanent release systems in liquid form that are engineered to chemically bond with the mold through humidity or heat-induced cross-linking. This results in the formation of a robust polymeric film that can withstand wear and is highly resistant to chemical and thermal stresses.

The cross-linking nature of this semi-permanent solution also allows for less frequent maintenance of the press plattens, which helps in:

  • Improve production efficiency
  • Enhance board quality
  • Create more certainty and consistency

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To learn more about how we have developed advanced products to address the specific challenges found in the wood composite industry, contact us today.

A brand of Freudenberg.
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